About Signature Support
Signature Support was established in recognition of people in our community who live with severe and persistent mental illness, psychosocial disability, sensory, neurological and intellectual disabilities. With over two decades of practical industry experience in mental health, disability, alcohol and other drugs, education, family violence and social / criminal justice sectors, Signature Support draws on this highly regarded and skilled support, giving hope and purpose. Signature Support also provides Psychosocial Recovery Coach Support Coordination which requires a minimum requirement industry experience, qualifications and / or a lived experience.
There is potential in every person and support is provided to high risk and vulnerable people at risk of 'slipping through the system', overcoming the multiple barriers, challenges and hurdles. Signature Support ensures that we are the best match for you and that our specialised skills will meet your needs. Should we not be able to assist, we are more than happy to provide options for other services specialised in other disabilities.
We are Hiring - Signature Support Team
Signature Support prides itself with a small, specialised, innovative team with a person centered approach to ensure that your provision of service is of the highest standard. We believe that the quality of your care starts with your Support Coordinator / Recovery Coach having the expertise, knowledge and skills. Be confident that we will build your capacity so you can focus on your goals, stress less and design a life that you strive for.
Bringing a high level of care, knowledge and expertise to ensure you get the best out of your plan, funding and supports.
Our team demonstrates experience and the same values which are the essence of Signature Support. We ensure that we remain up to date, training is ongoing, we maintain our learning, research and continue to upskill. We support each other for a cohesive team with a shared model of care, ensuring you get the best provision of support.
Signature Support specialises in:
Psychosocial Disability
Sensory Disability
Intellectual Disability
Neurological Disability
High risk and complex needs
Deaf friendly, culturally aware and skilled in Auslan for work tasks, social activities and the community.
Boutique service with small team - Lived, Learned and Qualified skilled Support Coordinator / Recovery Coach
Industry Experience
Support Coordination for people with a severe and persistent mental illness and complex needs
Life skills program development and educator for Deaf people with additional needs
Justice and Community Safety case management
Dual Disability Forensic Outreach for people with an intellectual disability and mental illness
Safety and Support Practitioner for victim survivors, children and families
Disability case management
Linguistic and Cultural support
Creating a safe and caring environment as a foster carer for children aged 0-18 years old
Skills and Experience include:
Multiple family members with disabilities
Transitioning back into the community
Fractured relationships
Social isolation and disengagement
Family violence
Linked to or at risk if the criminal justice system
Child protection
Family reunification
Hoarding / squalor
Behaviours of concern
High risk or requiring crisis intervention
At risk of slipping through the system
Unable to navigate the system
A lived experience
The Story Behind The Signature Support

Wendy Barnett
Registered NDIS Provider 4050066667
Support Coordination
Psycho-social Recovery Coach
Languages: English and Auslan
Qualified, Lived and Learned experience
Signature Support was established by Wendy continuing her passion for: “Making Change Happen”. Wendy has over two decades of highly skilled practical experience to draw on in disability, mental health, dual diagnosis, education, justice, family violence, foster care and our community sectors.
Signature Support's Core Values are: Access, Passion, Empowering, Expertise
They are derived from personal and professional attributes during Wendy's career and continue to influence and guide actions and behaviours with how Signature Support interacts with people, families, carers and engages with stakeholders.
Wendy has always been committed to enabling access for everyone. Her career started in education in the UK. For 13 years Wendy supported the Deaf community providing equal access to communication so everyone could engage in all parts of college life. Wendy completed studies in British Sign Language Level 1, 2 and 3 with ongoing skill development and many other qualifications for the Deaf and Deafblind community. Wendy went on to study teaching for Further Adult Education and for six years, she successfully led and facilitated the Life Skills group for profoundly Deaf students with multiple needs: mental health, physical health, mobility, learning needs and challenging behaviours.
After moving from the UK to Melbourne, Wendy went on to study Auslan and supported Deaf students to reach their full potential with Methodist Ladies' College Deaf Integration Unit.
Believing there was more support needed for our most vulnerable people in the community who were impacted day to day with a disability, Wendy went on to work with the Australian Community Support Organisation. She provided valuable outreach support to people with a mental illness and intellectual disability who were linked to or at risk of the justice system. Wendy completed the Diploma in Mental Health, Community Services and Alcohol and Other Drugs along with other training and skill development in mental health, dual diagnosis, forensic and offender training for the community. Wendy also worked on a Consortium Project in collaboration with the Dandenong Magistrates Court, the Neighbourhood Justice Centre and the Australian Community Support Organisation.
When Partners in Recovery rolled out in Frankston, Wendy embraced the chance to co-lead the implementation of a new innovative program. For six years, as a Support Coordinator, she saw great changes in people living with a severe, persistent mental illness with significant functional impairment. Wendy recognised that there were still many vulnerable people not accessing services and created and implemented the Partners in Recovery specialist role co-locating at Pakenham and Cranbourne Corrections with the aim to reduce the risk of offenders with a mental illness, ’slipping through the gap’. When the NDIS rolled out in Southeast Melbourne, Wendy successfully coordinated the transition for clients, navigating the NDIS Access process and implementation of the NDIS plans. Her practical skills and knowledge are further enhanced with ongoing professional development and up to date training with the Support Coordination Academy and DSC - both specialists in Support Coordination consultancy and training.
Along with the ability to motivate, this success has inspired and empowered others throughout the community. This has attributed to the strengthening of multi-disciplinary teams with highly regarded collaboration amongst services.
Since establishing Signature Support, Wendy continued to achieve outcomes with participants which include preventing high risk repeated hospital admissions, diverting others from committing crime and / or re-offending, reducing non-emergency call outs, improving navigation of services in a complex system, enhancing and integrating collaborative relationships within the community.
Wendy engages people to reach their potential at their individual pace and continuously strives for equality and access for everyone - “Ensuring people affected by a disability are included and treated as equal members of the community, live a meaningful life, safe and free from harm”

Contact Form
Signature Support welcomes you to make contact.
Please use this form for expression of interest, contact and feedback.
Should information be required in other formats, please let us know.
South-East Melbourne and surrounds
0422 468 267